10 Best keyword research tools for SEO

Tools Key features Pricing
Semrush 1. Keyword Research
2.Competitor Analysis
3.Content marketing
4.Content optimization
5.Reporting and analytics
17% Discount on
annually billings
Ahrefs 1.Site Explorer
2.Keyword Analysis
3.Content Analysis
4.Link Building
5.Rank Tracker
Pay annually,
get 2month free
Google keyword
1.Keyword Planner
2.Search volume
3.Ad group ideas
4.Suggest bid
5.Keyword trends
Google Keyword
Planner is free,
but you must
have a Google ads
account to access
the feature.
Moz Keyword 1.SERP Analysic
2.Keyword metrics
3.Keyword difficulty analysic
4.List management
5.Priority score
Pay annually
get 20% off
SE ranking 1.Keywordword Rank tracker
2.Content marketing tools
3. Backlink checker
4.On-page SEO checker
5.SEPR checker
$44-$191.20 (Year)
Pay annually
get 20% off
Ubersuggest 1.Content idea
2.SEO Analyzer
3.Traffic Analysis
4.Keyword Suggestion
5.Site audit
$200-$400(Life time)
Save 90%
Answer the pulbic 1.Keyword search
2.Backlink analysis
3. Local SEO
4.Site audit
5. Keyword overview
$50-$79(Life time)
Save 90%
Surfer SEO 1.Content Analysis
2.Content editor
3.No need to upload kewords list
4.Page speed analysis
5.SERP Analysis
$69-$249 (Year)
Save $600
SEO Scout 1.Topic research tools
2.Rank tracking
3.Keyword explorer
4.Internal link anaysis
5.Content optimization
7 days free trial
KW Finder 1.SERP Analysis
2.Keyword research
3.Keyword difficulty
4.Local SEO
5.Content optimization
Save 35%

10 Best keyword research tools for SEO

Most of the people do SEO manually.

The old methods for doing SEO Are here.

  1. They start by generating a list of keywords by using the SEO tools.
  2. They create a sheet to organize their keywords.
  3. After that, they analyze every keyword manually. On the SERP (Search engine results pages)
  4. After that, they manually grouped their keyword to identify their potential content topic or area of optimization.

Whenever you are doing the SEO manually, there are some drawbacks

  1. It is a time-consuming process.
  2. It is a high risk of error
  3. It is a limited technical SEO audit
  4. Difficulty in tracking progress (like traffic changes, backlink growth and many more)

What is keyword Research tools for SEO

Keyword research tools are important for any SEO strategy as they help identify the most appropriate and popular keywords to target for a website or web page. Keyword research is the process of finding the search terms that people use when searching for products, services, or information on search engines like Google.

By using content for these keywords, the website will be ranked higher in search engine results pages (SERPS).
Keyword research tools provide a piece of information to help optimize content according to search engines. They provide data on search volume, keyword difficulty, and related keywords.

Keyword difficulty measures how difficult it is to rank for a particular keyword based on the competition. They can identify the most relevant and popular keywords for their target audience and optimize content accordingly.

What is advantage of keywords Research Tools for SEO

Keyword research tools are valuable support for any website and blog. Keyword research tools save time and effort, improve search engine rankings, offer audience understanding, and result in better for your marketing efforts. Keyword research tools are essential for any online business or website owner looking to improve their search engine rankings.

These tools help you identify the most relevant and popular keywords in your industry, allowing you to optimize your content and website accordingly. 

Here are some of the key advantages of using these tools:

1. Time Efficiency: Keyword research tools for SEO save you time and effort by listing relevant keywords and their search volumes. This eliminates the need for manual research and analysis, releasing time for more important tasks.

2. Improved Search Engine Rankings: By identifying the most popular keywords that are suitable for your website, you can optimize your content and website accordingly. This can help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

3. Competitive Edge: Keyword research tools for SEO help you stay ahead of the competition by identifying the most popular and relevant keywords for your website. By creating content that targets these keywords, you can attract more traffic to your website and increase your online visibility.

4. Audience Understanding: Keyword research tools for SEO provide a valuable understanding of your target audience’s search behaviour and preferences. By understanding what keywords your likely customers are searching for, you can create content according to their needs and interests. This can help you build stronger relationships with your audience and improve your online marketing strategy.

5. Better return on investment: By targeting the right keywords, you can attract more qualified traffic to your website, resulting in a better return on investment for your marketing efforts.

Here are the 10 best keyword research tools for your SEO.


10 Best keyword research tools for SEO

Semrush is a powerful all-in-one marketing toolkit for digital marketing professionals.
It offers many tools and features to help you with keyword research, site auditing, competitor analysis, backlink tracking, and more.

With Semrush, you can get a detailed understanding of your website’s performance, as well as your competitors’ websites, and use these tools to improve your strategies and stay ahead of the competition.
It is a popular tool used by many businesses and digital marketers worldwide.

Key Feature of Semrush

Semrush is a complete digital marketing platform that offers a various range of tools to improve its online presence.

  1. Keyword Research: The highly effective keyword research tool allows your website to identify the most relevant and profitable keywords for its place, which you can use to optimize your content for better search ranking.
  2. Backlink Analysis: The Semrush backlink analysis tool allows your website to research your backlink profile and identify new link-building opportunities. It helps boost the authority and credibility of their website, leading to higher rankings and more traffic.
  3. Competitor Analysis: Semrush competitor analysis tool gives your website a valuable understanding of your competitors’ online strategies. It allows your website to identify areas where it can improve its online presence, stay ahead of the competition, and attract more traffic to its website.
  4. Social Media marketing: Semrush offers tools to manage social media marketing campaigns across various platforms. This feature helps your website engage virtually with its audience and build a strong online presence.
  5. Content Marketing: Semrush provides tools to help your website create and optimize content for better search ranking and increased traffic.

Semrush is an essential tool for any business looking to enhance its online presence and attract more traffic to its website. Its various features and tools make it a valuable investment for your website of all sizes and places.

Semrush Price

Semrush offers pricing flexibility if you want only to access the keyword search tool. In that case, you need to pay for their plans, which include the following

Pro plan: $129.95 per month.
Guru plan: $249.95 per month
Business plan: $449.95 per month

You get a discount of up to 17% on annual bills.

Conclusion: Based on my analysis, semrush is a powerful and adaptable tool for your website looking to improve your online presence. With features such as keyword research, backlink analysis, and site auditing, Semrush provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help your website or blog succeed in the competitive world of online marketing. While other tools are available, semrush is a trustworthy choice for your websites.


Ahrefs is a powerful SEO tool quickly gaining favour among digital marketers and SEO professionals. With its extensive database of backlinks, keywords, and traffic data, Ahrefs provides a valuable understanding of your website’s performance and helps you identify areas for improvement.

With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Ahrefs makes it easy to explore your website performance and stay ahead of the competition.

Key Feature of Ahrefs

Ahrefs is the best SEO tool that provides a wide range of features to help your website and blog’s online visibility.

  1. Keyword explorer: Ahrefs helps you find the keyword for your SEO. It provides you with accurate search volume data keyword difficulty scores, and you can also explore related keywords. 
  2. Rank Tracker: The Ahrefs rank tool helps you monitor your website, allowing users to assess the effectiveness of your SEO strategies.
  3. Site Audit: Ahrefs can crawl your website and identify on-page SEO issues such as broken links, missing tags, and other technical errors. It provides suggestions to improve the SEO-friendly of your website.
  4. Competitor Analysis: Ahrefs allows users to analyze their competitor website’s details. You can compare backlink profiles, organic search traffic, top-performing keywords, and content plans of your competitors. 
  5. Alerts: Ahrefs can send you email notifications whenever your website or competitor websites gain or lose backlinks. It helps you stay updated on the latest developments in your slot.
  6. SEO Toolbar: Ahrefs offers a browser extension that provides on-the-go SEO metrics while you browse the web.

Ahrefs Price

Ahrefs Price

Ahrefs offers several pricing plans to cater to different user needs. Ahrefs’ pricing plans were as follows:

  1. Lite Plan:  $99 per month 
  2. Standard Plan: $179 per month
  3. Advanced Plan:  $399 per month 

You get a discount of up to 20% on annual bills.

Ahrefs offers a 7-day trial for $7, allowing you to explore the platform and its features before committing to a monthly subscription. 

Conclusion: Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO tool that provides users with the necessary features and understanding to improve their website’s search engine ranking. With its various pricing plans and a 7-day trial, Ahrefs is an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve your SEO strategy.

Google keyword Planner


Google Keyword Planner is a free tool provided by Google for advertisers and website owners who want to run Google Ads campaigns. This tool helps you research keywords and search relevant and best keywords for your ad campaigns.

The tool provides you with keyword ideas and suggestions based on the source keywords entered by the you. The suggestions include keywords and terms you can use to optimize your website content and Google Ads campaigns.

Key Feature of Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is the best keyword research tool, which you can easily use to optimize your website and search keywords for your Google ads campaigns. Here are some features that you know.

  1. Keyword Research: Goole keyword planner allows you to search for keywords related to your website, services, blog, and content ideas. You can enter your URL to get keyword suggestions for your website. Google keyword provides keyword ideas based on your website.  
  2. Keyword Traffic Estimates: Google Traffic Estimates provide the average monthly search volume of your relevant keywords, Helping you understand how to work on searches on google. They help you assess the popularity and potential reach of your keywords.
  3. Location and language targeting: Google keyword planner refine your keyword according to your location and language preference. This feature is helpful for your business and a blog to operate the regions and target audience. 
  4. Keyword Competition: Google keyword planner does not provide a specific competition result, but it provides you with the level of competition for a keyword you use.
  5. Mobile and Desktop Breakdown: Google keyword planner allows you to see the keyword search volume between mobile devices and desktops, Helping you to create campaigns for your business and blogs.

Google keyword planner Price

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool provided by Google Ads. Nevertheless, you need to have a Google Ads account to access it. Creating a Google Ads account is also free, but you may need to set up a campaign.

Conclusion: Google Keyword Planner is a powerful tool to help you identify relevant keywords for your website or business. Using this tool, you can gain insights into the search volume, competition level, and estimated cost per click (CPC) for each keyword. These insights can help you optimize your website’s content for search engines and improve your online visibility. In conclusion, Google Keyword Planner is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their SEO strategy.

Moz Keyword

Moz Keyword is a powerful tool that can help you rank your website.
With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive data analysis capabilities, Moz Keyword Explorer is the best for optimizing your website for search engines.

This tool makes it easy to find and prioritize the best keywords for your website based on factors like search volume, click-through rates, and difficulty scores. You can also use Moz Keyword Explorer to discover related keywords, allowing you to expand your keyword list and optimize your content for multiple searches.

Key Feature of Moz Keyword Planner

  1. Keyword Research: Moz Keyword Planner helps you to find new keywords for your topic related. It provides suggestions based on applicability, search volume, and organic click-through rates.
  2. SERP Analysis: Moz keyword planner provides a detailed analysis of the search engine results page(SERP) according to your keywords. It shows the top-ranking pages and other SEO metrics, Helping you understand particular keywords for your competition.
  3. Keyword Difficulty Score: Moz keyword provides you with the keyword difficulty score, Indicating how easy and hard it would be to rank a particular keyword. It helps you to target your keywords. 
  4. Keyword lists: You can easily organize your keywords into lists, making managing and tracking different keyword groups easy. 
  5. CSV Export: Moz keyword planner allows you to export keyword lists and data in CSV format, making it convenient for further analysis and reporting. 

Moz planner Price

Moz offers a range of SEO tools, including the Moz Keyword Explorer. 

The pricing for Moz Keyword Explorer starts.

  1. Standard: $99 (Month)
  2. Medium: $143 (Month)
  3. Large: $239 (Month)
  4. Premium: $479 (Month)

You get a Save up to 20% on annual bills.

Moz keyword planner give you 30-Days free trial so you can test it out
before commiting to a subscription. 

Conclusion: After analyzing the search engine ranking for the target keywords, it can be concluded that the Moz keywords have significantly improved the website’s overall search engine visibility. The targeted keywords have been effectively integrated into the website’s content, meta descriptions, and titles, improving search engine rankings. However, it is essential to continuously monitor and update the website’s Moz keywords to ensure that it remains competitive in search engine results pages.

SE ranking

SE Ranking is a powerful and complete SEO software that offers various features to help improve your online visibility and attract more traffic to your website. The software provides a complete suite of tools for keyword research, rank tracking, competitor analysis, on-page optimization, and link building.

SE Ranking: businesses can easily monitor your website’s performance and identify areas for improvement.

Key Feature of SE Ranking Keyword Planner

  1. Keyword Research: SE Ranking Keyword Planner provides complete keyword research that helps you find your website’s most relevant and profitable keywords for your website.
  2. Keyword Analysis: SE Ranking keyword planner offers in-depth keyword analysis, including search volume, competition level, and cost-per-click (CPC) data.
  3. Keyword Grouping: SE Ranking keyword planner allows you to group related keywords to make it easier to manage your SEO strategy.
  4. Competitor Analysis: SE Ranking Keyword Planner, you can analyze your opponents’ keywords and see where you stand in comparison.
  5. Integration with SE Ranking: SE Ranking Keyword Planner seamlessly integrates with SE Ranking’s suite of SEO tools, making it easy to manage all aspects of your SEO strategy from one platform.

SE Ranking keyword planner Price

SE ranking planner offers a range of SEO tools, including the SE ranking. 

The pricing for SE ranking planner starts.

  1. Standard: $44(Monthly)
  2. Medium: $87.20 (Monthly)
  3. Large: $191.20 (Monthly)

You get a discount to 20% on annual bills.

SE ranking planner give you 30-Days free trial so you can test it out
before commiting to a subscription. 

Conclusion: SE Ranking is a reliable and feature-rich SEO tool that offers a wide range of functions for tracking and optimizing website performance. Its keyword research and analysis tools are particularly noteworthy, as they help users find the best keywords to target and track their rankings over time. Additionally, SE Ranking provides detailed reports and analytics that can help users identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions. SE Ranking is an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their website’s search engine visibility and performance.


Ubersuggest is a powerful and easy-to-use SEO tool that helps you optimize your online content and improve your search engine rankings.

Ubersuggest is essential for you to improve your SEO and grow your online presence.
With Uber-suggest, you can easily research keywords and analyze your website and your competitors SEO strategies. You can also identify new content opportunities to drive traffic for your website.

Key Feature of Ubersuggest

  1. Keyword research: Ubersuggest provides you a comprehensive list of keyword suggestions based on a source keyword or URL.
  2. Competitor analysis: you can analyze your competition and identify their strengths and weaknesses regarding keywords used, backlinks, and overall SEO strategy.
  3. Content ideas: Ubersuggest offers content ideas based on popular topics and questions related to a specific keyword or niche.
  4. Site audit: You can perform a site audit to identify technical SEO issues and improve their website’s overall performance.
  5. Backlink tracking: Ubersuggest allows you to track your backlinks and monitor your link-building progress.

Ubersuggest keyword Price

Ubersuggest offers a range of SEO tools, The pricing for Ubersuggest starts.

  1. Standard: $22(Monthly)
  2. Medium: $12 (Monthly)
  3. Large: $40 (Monthly)

You get a discount to 90% on annual bills.

Ubersuggest give you 30-Days free trial so you can test it out
before commiting to a subscription. 

Conclusion: Ubersuggest is a powerful SEO tool that gives you a valuable understanding of your website’s performance. ubersuggest provides a user-friendly interface, detailed reports, and keyword research capabilities; Ubersuggest is an excellent option for websites and blogs looking to improve your online presence.
ubersuggest provides you with website analysis, keyword research, backlink analysis, and more. By utilizing Ubersuggest, you can better understand your competition, identify areas for improvement, and create a more effective SEO strategy. Ubersuggest is a highly recommended tool for enhancing your website’s search engine optimization.

Answer the public

When answering the public, there are a few things to remember. First and foremost, it’s essential to provide accurate and helpful information addressing the question. Being respectful and professional in your interactions with the public is important. This means avoiding any inflammatory language or behaviour and responding promptly and courteously.

AnswerThePublic is a keyword research tool used in digital marketing and content creation. It helps users generate content ideas by understanding questions and phrases people use when searching for a particular topic. Here are key features associated with AnswerThePublic

Key Feature of AnswerThePublic

  1. Question and Preposition Visualization: Answer The Public presents search queries as questions and prepositions, helping users understand how people phrase their queries.
  2. Content Ideas: Answer The Public generates many content ideas based on user queries, inspiring blog posts, articles, videos, and other types of content.
  3. Keyword Research: It offers keyword suggestions and variations related to the main topic, helping search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.
  4. User Intent Insight:  AnswerThePublic helps content creators understand user intent and tailor their content to meet audience needs.
  5. Competitor Analysis: You can compare their keyword strategies with competitors by analyzing the shared and unique queries generated by AnswerThe Public.

AnswerThePublic keyword Price

AnswerThePublic offers a range of SEO tools, The pricing for AnswerThePublic starts.

  1. Standard: $5(Monthly)
  2. Medium: $49 (Monthly)
  3. Large: $99 (Monthly)

You get a discount to 90% on annual bills.

AnswerThePublic give you 07-Days free trial so you can test it out
before commiting to a subscription.

Conclusion: Answer The Public is a powerful keyword research tool that can help you understand what people are searching for on the internet related to a particular keyword. Providing you with a list of questions, prepositions, and comparisons related to your keyword can give you an understand of what your target audience is looking for and help you create content that meets their needs. If you’re a marketer, blogger, or business owner, Answer The Public can be an invaluable tool in your content strategy.

Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is a tool that helps you optimize your content for search engines. It provides various features that allow you to analyze your website’s content, identify areas of improvement, and track your progress over time.

Surfer SEO: you can quickly analyze their competitors’ websites and identify the keywords. Surfer SEO is its Content Editor, which allows users to create optimized content for search engines. This tool provides users with real-time suggestions for optimizing their content, including headings, subheadings, and content length recommendations.

Key Feature of Surfer SEO

  1. Content Editor: Surfer SEO researches the top-ranking pages for your target keyword and recommends changes to your content to optimize it for search engines.
  2. SERP Analyzer: Surfer SEO helps you analyze the search engine results pages (SERPs) for your target keyword to see what your competitors are doing and how you can improve your content.
  3. Keyword Research: Surfer SEO provides keyword research tools to help you find the best keywords for your content. And you were increasing your website ranking. 
  4. On-page Optimization: Surfer SEO helps you optimize your website’s on-page elements, such as meta tags, headings, and images.
  5. Backlink Analysis: Surfer SEO helps you analyze your backlink profile and identify opportunities for improving your website’s authority and ranking.

Surfer SEO is a comprehensive tool that can help you improve your website’s search engine optimization and drive more traffic.

Surfer SEO keyword Price

Surfer SEO offers a range of SEO tools, The pricing for Surfer SEO starts.

  1. Essential: $69(Monthly)
  2. Advanced: $149 (Monthly)
  3. Max: $249 (Monthly)

Save upto $600 on annual bills.

Surfer SEO give you 07-Days free trial so you can test it out
before commiting to a subscription.

Conclusion: After analyzing Surfer SEO, it is an effective tool for improving website ranking and optimizing content. Its features, such as scope editor, SERP analyzer, and keyword research tool, are user-friendly and helpful for improving SEO.

The tool also provides suggestions for improving content and optimizing it according to the search engine algorithms. Overall, Surfer SEO is an excellent option for improving their website’s visibility and ranking higher on search engine result pages.

SEO Scout

SEO Scout is a vital SEO tool that helps businesses improve their online presence and increase their search engine rankings. This tool provides a comprehensive analysis of their website performance, identifying areas needing improvement and offering actionable insights.

SEO Scout is also highly customizable, allowing users to tailor the tool to their needs. The tool can be integrated with Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other popular SEO tools, providing users with a complete picture of their website’s performance.

Key Feature of SEO Scout

  1. Performs in-depth technical SEO audits to identify technical issues hindering a website’s search engine performance.
  2. Provides a comprehensive analysis of a website’s performance, identifying areas needing improvement and offering actionable insights.
  3. It is highly customizable and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of users.
  4. It can be integrated with other popular SEO tools, such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console, providing users with a complete picture of their website’s performance.
  5. It offers a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and understand.

SEO Scout keyword Price

SEO Scout offers a range of SEO tools, The pricing for SEO Scout starts.

  1. Essential: $49(Monthly)
  2. Advanced: $99 (Monthly)
  3. Max: $199 (Monthly)

SEO Scout give you 07-Days free trial so you can test it out
before commiting to a subscription.

Conclusion: SEO Scout is a tool or service related to SEO, and It is recommended to visit the official website or reliable online sources for the latest and most accurate information. Typically, concluding SEO tools involves assessing their features, user reviews, pricing, and how well they align with your specific SEO needs. Always check for the most recent reviews and updates to ensure you have the latest insights into the tool’s performance and capabilities.

KW Finder

KW Finder is a powerful tool that helps you find the right keywords for your website. It is a popular choice amongst SEO professionals due to its user-friendly interface and advanced features. KW finder features of KW Finder is its ability to provide accurate keyword difficulty scores.

This score is based on various factors such as domain authority, page authority, and the number of backlinks. With this information, you can quickly identify low-competition keywords that are easy to rank for. KW Finder provides a long-tail keyword feature that lets you find particular keywords that your competitors often forget. These long-tail keywords can help you attract a more targeted audience and improve conversion rates.

Key Feature of KW finder

1. Keyword Research: KW Finder helps you find the most suitable keywords for your content based on search volume, difficulty level, and other essential metrics.

2. SERP Analysis: KW Finder detailed analysis of the top-ranking pages for a particular keyword, helping you understand what it takes to rank higher on search engine result pages.

3. Local Keyword Research: KW Finder offers a unique feature that allows you to find keywords specific to a particular location, making it easier to target local audiences.

4. Competitor Research: KW Finder helps you analyze your competitors’ keywords and backlinks, giving you insights into their SEO strategies and helping you stay ahead of the competition.

5. Keyword Difficulty Checker: KW Finder has an accurate difficulty score for each keyword, making it easier to determine which keywords to target based on your website’s authority and the level of competition.

KW Finder keyword Price

KW Finder offers a range of SEO tools, The pricing for KW Finder starts.

  1. Entry: $19(Monthly)
  2. Basic: $29 (Monthly)
  3. Premium: $44 (Monthly)
  4. Agency: $89 (Monthly)

Save up to 35% on annual bills.

KW Finder give you 07-Days free trial so you can test it out
before commiting to a subscrip

Conclusion: KW Finder is an excellent tool for keyword research. It provides in-depth keyword analysis and helps identify profitable keywords to target for SEO and PPC campaigns. It also offers a user-friendly interface and many features, such as keyword difficulty, search volume, and SERP analysis. Additionally, its pricing plans are affordable and cater to the needs of both individuals and businesses. I recommend KW Finder to anyone looking to improve their keyword strategy and optimize their online presence.

FAQ: Best keyword research tools for SEO