How to Easily Move Your Blog from to 2024

Having a solid online presence is essential in the constantly changing digital market. Many people start their adventure by setting up a blog on, which provides an easy-to-use platform for starting a blog. But when your blog expands and your needs get more sophisticated, you may discover that can no longer meet your expectations. This is the application of is a self-hosted platform offering greater flexibility and control, allowing you to own your website and its content. It allows you to customize your blog to your heart’s content, install plugins to extend functionality and monetize your site without restrictions. But how do you switch from to without losing your content or disrupting your established online presence?

This blog post is designed to guide you through migrating your blog from to We understand that moving your blog can seem daunting, especially if you’re not tech-savvy. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. This guide will provide a step-by-step walkthrough of the migration process, ensuring a smooth and seamless transition.

So, whether you’re a beginner who’s just realized the limitations of or you’re an experienced blogger looking for more control and flexibility, this guide is for you. Let’s embark on this journey together and help you unlock the full potential of your blog with

Move Your Blog from to

Why Move From to is a user-friendly and easy-to-use blogging platform offering various features and customization options. However, as your blog grows and your needs evolve, switch to has limitations, such as the lack of control and customization, the inability to install custom themes or plugins, and limited monetization options. Additionally, it does not allow you to set up an eCommerce store or membership site.

On the other hand, offers a more flexible and powerful platform. It allows you to customize your blog to your heart’s content, choose from thousands of themes, and install any plugins you need. This lets you add functionality to your blog, such as social media sharing buttons and SEO tools.

Moreover, provides complete control over monetization, allowing you to run your ads, set up an online store, create a membership site, and optimize your blog for search engines. This allows you to increase your traffic and revenue.

In conclusion, switching from to is a decision that can open up a world of possibilities for your blog. It allows you to design your blog exactly as you want, add any features you need, and monetize it in any way you choose. Although the transition may require some effort, the benefits of control, flexibility, and potential for monetization make it a worthwhile move.

Things You Need Before You Start 

Starting a self-hosted website is a thrilling experience that allows you complete control and customization. To begin, you need to have a clear vision of your website’s purpose, ranging from a personal blog to an e-commerce store. A memorable, easy-to-type domain name is crucial, as changing it later can be complex.

Next, you need to sign up for web hosting, a service that allows your website to be viewed online. Various web hosting providers are available, offering different plans based on your needs. When choosing a provider, factors include great reliability, great speed, great customer service, and great price.

For a self-hosted site, your web host must meet specific requirements, such as PHP version 7.3 or greater, MySQL version 5.6 or greater, MariaDB version 10.1 or greater, and HTTPS support. Most web hosts meet these requirements, but checking before signing up is advisable.

In conclusion, starting a self-hosted website requires preparation, including having a clear vision, choosing a domain name, signing up for web hosting, and ensuring your web host meets the requirements for running With these steps in place, you’re on your way to launching your website.

Step 1: Data Export From

To migrate your blog from to, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your account and navigate to your account dashboard.
  2. Click on “Tools” in the left column of the dashboard, which opens a dropdown menu with additional options. Select “Export” from the menu, which takes you to a new page dedicated to exporting your blog data.
  3. Click on the “Export All” button to begin the export process, which creates a comprehensive export of your entire blog, including posts, pages, images, comments, custom fields, categories, tags, navigation menus, and other data.
  4. will create your export file, which may take a few minutes, depending on the size of your blog. Once ready, a download link will appear, and you can download the file to your computer. will also send a copy of the download link to your email address for safekeeping.
  5. Unzip the export file, which contains an XML file, which is essentially a blueprint of your blog. This file contains all the data from your blog in a format that can be easily imported into

In summary, exporting your data from is a crucial first step in the migration process, ensuring that your hard work is preserved and ready for transfer to your new blog on

Step 2: Configuring WordPress

To install WordPress on your web hosting, download the latest version and extract file to create a WordPress folder. Upload this folder to your hosting account and navigate to the root directory of your website. 

Create a MySQL database for your WordPress site and note down the database name, username, and password. Open a new tab in your web browser and navigate to your website URL. 

Choose the language for your WordPress site, enter the database details, and click ‘Run the install’. Provide site information, including the site title, username, password, and email address, to log into your WordPress admin dashboard. Click ‘Install WordPress’ and you’re ready to customize your site and add content.

Step 3: Adding Content to a WordPress Website that is Self-Hosted 

To import content from to your new self-hosted site, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your new site by typing your website’s URL followed by “/wp-admin” into your browser’s address bar.

2. Navigate to your WordPress dashboard and select “Tools” in the left-hand menu.

3. Click on “Import” and select “WordPress” as the content type.

4. Install the WordPress Importer plugin to facilitate the import process.

5. Click “Run Importer” to start the import process.

6. Upload your XML file to your new site and select “Upload file and import.”

7. Assign authors for the imported content, either create a new user account for each author or assign posts to existing users on your site.

8. Check the box for “Download and import file attachments” to ensure all images and media files are correctly imported and assigned to their respective posts.

9. Click “Submit” to start the import process, which may take a few minutes depending on the size of your XML file.

10. Once the import is complete, you’ll receive a confirmation message.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully imported your content from to your new self-hosted site. With patience and perseverance, you can fully utilize the flexibility and control offered by

Step 4: Importing Links from Your Blogroll

Importing blogroll links into your WordPress site is crucial in promoting your blog and building relationships with other bloggers. To import your blogroll, create a list of links to other blogs or websites you recommend or regularly visit.

This can be a simple text document or a complex XML or OPML format file. Log into your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to the ‘Links’ section to add, edit, or delete links.

Look for the ‘Import’ option under the ‘Tools’ menu and click on ‘Run Importer’. Upload your blogroll file and click on ‘Choose File’, locate your file, and click on ‘Upload file and import’. WordPress will then upload your file and start importing your links.

The length of time it takes to import your file may vary based on its size. After everything is finished, your imported links will be shown in the ‘Links’ area. You can change any link’s name, URL, and description in your blogroll as needed. Additionally, you have the option to classify your links and decide if you want them to appear on a different page or in your sidebar.

In conclusion, importing blogroll links into your WordPress site is a simple process that helps you share your favourite resources and build relationships with other bloggers. Keep your blogroll concise, relevant, and organized to avoid overwhelming readers and impacting your site’s performance.

Step 5: Changing the Publicity of Your Blog

To set your blog to private after migrating, navigate to your dashboard and select “Settings” from the left-hand menu. In the “Site Visibility” section, change the “Public” option to “Private” to make your blog visible only to you and approved users. 

Click the button next to “Save Changes” on the page. This setup allows you to have piece of mind, prevents confusion among readers, and allows you to keep a backup of your prior blog.

By ensuring your old blog is safe and secure, you can focus on your new blog on, knowing your old blog is safe and secure. Setting your blog to private is a crucial step in the migration process.

Step 6: Changing the URL while Maintaining SEO

Redirecting visitors and preserving SEO is crucial when migrating a website or changing page structure. This ensures that bookmarked content remains accessible and maintains the website’s search engine rankings. 

Redirects, such as 301 and 302 redirects, are used to send users and search engines to different URLs. To implement a redirect, edit the website’s.htaccess file, which controls the directory and subdirectories.

Preserving SEO is essential when moving a site to a new domain. Inform search engines that the site has moved and all old URLs should be associated with the new ones using the change of address process. Google Search Console offers a change of address tool to update its index. Additionally, update internal links on the website to point to the new URLs.

In conclusion, redirecting visitors and preserving SEO is a critical step in website updates or migrations. By implementing redirects and informing search engines, a smooth transition can be achieved, ensuring a positive user experience and SEO.


Migrating your blog from to can be a smooth process with proper guidance. Key steps include understanding the platform’s limitations, exporting data, setting up the new site, importing content, and setting the old blog to private. This process ensures a more flexible and powerful blogging platform, allowing for customization and growth.