TMD hosting company was established in 2007, It is located in Orlando, Florida and provides hosting services. They have six data centres worldwide, including Chicago, Phoenix, London, Amsterdam, Singapore and Sydney. Having multiple data centres worldwide can simplify billing.
This review summarizes our experience with shared hosting in their Singapore datacenter.
When trying out a new host, it’s important to take advantage of any free trials they offer. Unfortunately, TMD Hosting does not currently offer free Domain. On the other hand, TMD does offer a 30 day money-back guarantee, which should be quantity of time to migrate and test your site should you not go ahead with the free trial.
The pricing of the shared hosting is very low. In basic shared hosting theri is one free domain name, it will cost:
- $10.99 paid monthly
- $2.99/ month if you pay annually
- $4.99/ month if you pay biennially, triennially